Dimple Dell April 30th & june 4th


Registration table opens up at 5 PM. Season Pass Holders who already have their bib don’t need to check in. Just come up to the start line when your race (Short or Long) is called. DO NOT throw away your race bib after the race. You will be using the same race bib for all races.
Race Start: 6:30 PM. Bring a Hydration Pack or Bottle. We are cupless. Water is at Start/Finish only.
Important! See Site Diagram at bottom of this page. Due to parking availability, plan on 15 extra minutes to find a parking place and to jog to the Start/Finish/Registration area. Most of the parking is 1/3 mile away from the Start/Finish.

Thanks for coming out! See you next week at Soldier Hollow!

Race Course


Short Course 5.1 miles 475ft Elevation Gain. Start at Granite Park. Continue 1 mile along the wood chip trail. Complete a 3 mile loop and back to the Start/Finish line.

Long Course 8.4 miles 1025ft Elevation Gain. Long Course is same as the Short Course BUT will complete 2 internal loop laps BEFORE coming back to the Finish Line.





Granite Park is located at 10000 South and 2700 East. Google Map address is 2725 Grouse Creek Cir, Sandy UT 84092 Parking is limited at Granite Park. A larger dirt parking lot exists at the Dimple Dell East Trailhead (see site diagram) located on Mt Jordan road and 3000 East as well as the west parking lot of the LDS Church. Note: DO NOT park on north or south side of the church in order to leave spaces for church member activities. Additionally, DO NOT enter the church lot from the front of the church on 3100 E. Enter on Mt Jordan Rd using the church’s back drive way. From these 2 lots you have a short jog to the Start/Finish/Registration area. If you are not familiar with the area click here for directions  2725 Grouse Creek Cir, Sandy, UT 84092 and our parking attendants and signage will direct you when you arrive.